Audio/Video Files
If you have recorded audio files of memorable broadcasts, stations which no longer exist, noteworthy DX, utility traffic (especially examples of various digital modes), we invite you to share them with other MT readers for their education or enjoyment. Contact editor@monitoringtimes.com regarding the file(s) you have to share and the best way to send them.
Bob Grove Founder of Grove Enterprises and publisher of Monitoring Times
- Bob Grove teaching video on AC Adapters
- Bob Grove teaching video on Dynamic Range
- Bob Grove teaching video on Repeaters
- Bob Grove teaching video on Receiver Selectivity
- Bob Grove teaching video on Trunking
- 1982 Sounds of Shortwave - Side 1: What signals will you hear?
- 1982 Sounds of Shortwave - Side 2: Equipment, Theory, Tips & Techniques
Audio Signal Samples
Utility modes
Memorable/Sample Intercepts
- OrbcommPlotter wav file (see FEB MT Review column)
- Computers & Radio (March 2007) - SDR14 Spectrum Capture (download either of the below 53MB files to your computer and follow instructions in the March column)
- Cuban “spy numbers” RDFT transmission SK01 (see August 2008 Ute World)
- Cuban “spy numbers” CW (see October 2006 cover story)
- Shuttle #1 - STS-121 UHF Milsat shuttle launch 2nd attempt July 2, 2006. Courtesy Chris C West Central Georgia
- Shuttle #2 - STS-121 launch July 4th, includes Discovery UHF downlink audio and the 261.875 MHz downlink launch support net comms. Courtesy Chris C West Central Georgia.
- Radio Bob pirate radio (October 2007)
- WBOW DX Test: Mark Burns of Terre Haute, Indiana, recorded a DX test in 1997 by Terre Haute AM station 640 WBOW. Click here for about 5 minutes of audio from the test in mp3 format.
Links to audio samples
- www.radiotapes.com - Minneapolis/St. Paul Historical Radio Aircheck Website
Historical airchecks of Minneapolis/St. Paul radio stations are available for listening on www.radiotapes.com. This website features recordings of Twin Cities area radio stations dating back to 1941, with many from the 1970s and 1980s.
- www.twincitiesradioairchecks.com
- Uncle Jimmie Thompson playing "Lynchburg" Go to http://www.juneberry78s .com/sounds/ListenToOTCountry.php , scroll down a bit past the halfway point and give the recording a listen. Just right click the lil icon and save it. Fred Waterer wrote about Uncle Jimmie in passing in the June Monitoring Times, Programming Spotlight. “He was the first "star" of the Grand Ole Opry. In this recording he mentions he is 82 (born in 1848 that makes the recording from 1930) and that he learnt this tune in 1866. Listening to it, you can understand why he was a star of early radio. Quite a character, which comes through in the spoken introduction, and about halfway through the recording.”
- Marc Fisher (author of “Something in the Air” reviewed 2/2007 MT) links to voices from Top-40 radio: http://www.marcfisher.com/characters.php
- Leif Dehio’s Digital Modes site - http://www.signals.taunus.de/
- Alokesh Gupta audio files: